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Caring For The Carers In Australia

Written by International Towers | Oct 13, 2021 4:51:01 AM

Carers are not super-human saints - they need help, understanding and friendship too. Watch one of Australia's 2.65 million carers sharing wise words.

"A lot of people think carers are saints. They don't think of them as human beings suffering burn-out and stress, who really need help and understanding and friendship."


Content warning: this video and post mention suicide.

Jo is a staunch advocate of ensuring carers receive the support they need, and with this week being National Carers Week, it's a good time to remind anyone caring for someone else that help is available.

Jo's caregiving started in the 1970s, firstly as a support for her sister who lived with schizophrenia, and then for her sister's son, who also developed schizophrenia, along with Jo's son, who was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder. Watch Jo tell her story, and hear her call for us all to help stop the stigma around mental health.

You can also read SANE's family, friends and carers guide, and you might find it helpful to connect with other people sharing their experiences on SANE's online carers forum, which is professionally moderated to ensure the space is safe.

If you're worried about yourself or a friend, learning to identify warning signs is important – see SANE Australia's guide on How to Help When Someone is Suicidal.

For advice and support, you can also book a free call with SANE's professional Peer Support Workers. You'll have free access to SANE's 1 to 1 Wellbeing Check-in - a 25-minute mental health check-in, completely anonymous and confidential, at a time that suits you.

This free Wellbeing Check-in is available exclusively to International Towers community members in Tower Two, Tower Three or International House.

Log in or Register to our Partner Portal to book your free check-in.


If you or someone you know are in urgent need of support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Remember, let's look out for ourselves and others this Mental Health Month.

Mental Health Month encourages us all to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental ill-health or not. We’re incredibly proud and excited to partner with SANE Australia, a national charity helping people live long and fulfilling lives, free from stigma and discrimination. They support anyone affected by mental health issues, including family and friends, through information and stories, peer support, and counselling.