In conversation with Rogers Stirk harbour + partners about Barangaroo

Watch the highlights form a unique meeting-of-minds and discover the vision of International Towers from its creators
It’s hard to imagine the now thriving, internationally-acclaimed Barangaroo precinct as the bare, concrete wharf that preceded it only a few years ago.
The once-in-a-generation, ‘blank canvas’ opportunity to shape and evolve a significant portion of Australia’s largest city was not lost on any of the key development stakeholders, not least of which architects RSH+P, winners of an international competition to design and master plan the commercial precinct.
It was a rare privilege to host the partners of RSH+P – Lord Richard Rogers, Graham Stirk and Ivan Harbour – at Two International Towers for a collective conversation about the genesis of the project, the design philosophy, construction challenges and how the opportunity to rethink traditional commercial architecture was seized and gave birth to the most sophisticated workplace and business community in Australia.
“The key word is community,” said Lord Rogers. “What we’ve tried to do here is break down the idea of compartmentalisation and isolation, and create a genuine community that connects with the environment.”
It was also an opportunity for us to share the highly innovative initiatives taking shape within Two and Three International Towers, made possible to a large extent by the visionary, democratic structure of the Towers themselves.